I seem to always struggle with being too busy. For as far back as I can remember, I am always “ fighting the clock”. I often wonder…
Who has time to take a walk in the park?
Who has time to read a book?
Who has time to relax in a chair and enjoy “free time”?
It must be those that have a housekeeper, or a landscaper, or maybe even a cook. I never seem to have “free time”. I remind myself of Martha of Bethany from the passage of scripture in Luke 10:38-42.
January, however has a way of helping me pause somehow. I believe that after the final hustle and bustle of the holiday season, there is somehow a calmness that follows. The feeling of the New Year seems to help us to stop, breath and reflect on the previous year. It helps us to look back at our accomplishments, our challenges and our disappointments. It brings us a “clean slate”. I realize that every day can be a fresh start, but in January, it just seems that much more hopeful. January brings the opportunity to refresh our dreams and set, once again, our new goals.
For me, this year, I’m hoping to make a real change. I am praying that I can become more like MARY of Bethany and make the commitment to slow down, become less distracted by the chores of daily life and make the time to sit with Jesus. To “choose the better part” of life.
May the Lord bless you and your families this New Year. May He bless our IGNITE program. May He bless our beautiful parish of St Elizabeth Ann Seton church. Happy New Year
Kathy Messina