Today we celebrate Pentecost and rejoice in the coming of the Holy Spirit. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled the hearts of the faithful and renewed the face of the earth. Emboldened by the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit, the apostles went forth to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth and build up the Body of Christ. As we approach the end of the school year, we pray in a special way for our High School Graduates who getting ready to follow in the footsteps of the apostles. These young men and women are also filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to bring God’s love into the world in unique ways. My heart swells with pride for our graduates, as I reflect upon the amazing accomplishments they have made during their high school years. I think back on the Confirmation classes, Teen Masses, service projects, mission trips, retreats, and VBS adventures that we have shared. They have made a remarkable impact on our parish family and, while I will miss them dearly next year, I know they are ready to go out into the world and make it a better place, by shining Christ’s light and sharing God’s love.
I asked a few of our graduating seniors to share their thoughts on this special time in their lives and on the journey that awaits them:
“Wow! I cannot believe that I am about to graduate from high school. It feels like just yesterday that I was an unsure freshman attending my very first Confirmation class. I am so
thankful that after Confirmation, the Holy Spirit guided me to make a difference at St. Elizabeth’s by becoming a leader on the Teen Advisory Board, as well as serving as a lector for the past two years. Being a part of the SPARK Teen Ministry program has left a huge impact on my life and has strengthened my faith in God and my relationship with Him so much over the past few years. God has been present in my life in so many wonderful ways over the months that I have been preparing for college. It was not a perfect or easy process by any means, but believing that God has a path ready for me has me excited and eager to start my freshman year at the University of Maryland College Park this fall in the Criminology and Criminal Justice program. Ultimately, I hope to work for the FBI one day, but I know that I will eventually end up wherever God had intended for me to go. At college this fall, I plan to continue to attend mass and lector at whichever church I end up at, as well as join the Catholic Terps program at Maryland to connect with other faithful students like myself and bring God’s joy to those around us. Thinking about the fact that my future is just mere months away is nerve-wracking, but I am confident that my faith in God will help me thrive and build a life for myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all my
mentors at St. Elizabeth’s over the years; I would not be where I am today in my faith without you!”
~ Eileen Kilkeary
“After graduating from Roxbury High School, I plan to attend Cornell University to study biomedical engineering. I am very excited about the new opportunities and experiences that lie ahead. My goal is to develop biomaterials or mechanical devices that will better human quality of life. I hope to spread God’s love through my choice of study by making a difference in improving others’ health. Along my journey, I will use the power of the Holy Spirit in addition to the love and support from my family for encouragement. This guidance will allow me to fulfill my goal of assisting others in lengthening their lives, and more importantly, giving them the ability to live those lives to their fullest potential.”
~Emma Weiss
“Graduating is nothing crazy; everyone who tries in school will make it through eventually. What is crazy is the fact that I will be going to college and that I will be planning out my
whole life at this young age of 17. My plans for the future are to go to USF (University of South Florida) and get a masters degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology. I hope to
become mayor one day of the town I live in. I will keep taking pictures of events with my drone in my community because I love that. I will get two Bichon frises. I will bring God’s
love by helping people in my job making it more enjoyable so people will like to go to work.”
~Justin Dougherty
“What does it mean to graduate? To me, graduating means a new beginning. At graduation you move on from one big moment in your life to the next. Everything that you have
worked hard for in the last four years of your life leads up to this day. Your memories flash past you as you reflect on your high school years. All the tears you’ve cried, the smiles you
have shared, the late nights doing homework and seeing the results pay off when you do well on the upcoming test, the trials and tribulations of the high school social climate, the
activities and events you have participated in, the friends you have made and lost; it's all here. Leading up to this moment. This single day. After that day on June 17th, you’re free.
Leaving high school brings freedom, but that freedom comes with a cost; responsibilities. The climate shifts rapidly after this day; the schedule is busied up with college plans, work,
and grad parties. The new standard is looking at the future, and making sure you plan well enough to maintain the balance of the different activities in your life. It's all on you now. With this date nearing, I look forward to college. At Fairleigh Dickinson University I plan to pursue a career in nursing. I want to spread God’s love through every patient that walks through the door. I want to help people and make a positive difference. I want to help people get better; to help them recover well and be healthy; to get back to spending time with the people they love. It is very rewarding and gratifying at the end of the day to know that you had an impact on someone else's life. People will forget what you said, but they will never forget how they made you feel. God’s love is meant to be shared and I intend to share it throughout my career.”
~Sienna Volpe
Congratulations, Class of 2022! May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts always. May the Word of God be a lamp to your feet and a light for your path, as you go forth as disciples and make this world a better place. Remember that there is always a special place for you here at St. E’s and that your parish family loves you and is proud of you! God bless the Class of 2022.