Good morning. Today is the first Sunday of Advent and we begin the path to prepare us for His birth, Christmas.
Our first reading is from the Old Testament honoring God and begging for His return while acknowledging our sinfulness and hardened hearts. I can feel the unwritten weight of this. Sometimes our path seems burdensome and bleak, yet the anticipation of God’s return is so joyous! The author is hopeful and looks to have God find us doing right upon His return. We know the Christmas season is not about gifts and presents, but of love; His love and bringing us into a relationship with God through Jesus. With so many of the current global events and tragedies I find myself questioning things and longing for His return too.
The psalm, second reading, and gospel all reaffirm His coming and our need to turn to Him to renew our faith. So much of what we know to be true in His gifts for us come from the Holy Spirit. We often take that most beautiful gift for granted and forget that others are not afforded that gift. What a blessing we have that we received the Holy Spirit!
We know God is faithful and we are called to fellowship with Jesus. In that faithfulness we are given grace, salvation, and mercy and called to give that to others. We, His humble servants, are given our work to do. Do today’s readings and gospel remind you of the gift of the Holy Spirit? How does this speak to you? How will you share His love this Advent?
Often, we hear that faith without action is hollow and this Advent is a great time to perform acts of His love. Sometimes the most simple and smallest of acts can pierce the hardest of hearts. At the start of this Advent season, do you find yourself longing for His return? Are you called to perform some act of faith? What are you being called to do that will spread His love and word during this season?