"We are called to celebrate each liturgy with dignity and reverence, and to ensure “... the entire celebration is arranged in such a way that it leads to a
conscious, active, and full participation of the faithful , namely in body and in mind, a participation fervent with faith, hope, and charity….” (quote from the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), 3rd Edition)
We will hear
Fr. Pawel Tomczyk * speak about what this means to us, and we will have small group discussions of how it can be accomplished.
Learn more about the Mass, the Holy Eucharist and how we contribute to our parish celebration through ministry.
Who should attend:
Everyone involved in the liturgical ministries:
Altar Servers, Altar Care, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Music Ministry, Ushers/Hospitality, Church Decor
Ministry leaders and members
Adults and teens, Confirmation candidates and recently confirmed
Parishioners who may be interested in participating in a ministry
Parishioners who want to learn more about the Holy Liturgy
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Saturday, March 21, starting with
9 AM Mass (please be prompt!).
We will conclude at
2 PM.