Whether we realize it or not, mercy is all around us, every day. In the story of the Prodigal Son, the young son committed a sin by taking a share of his father’s wealth and spending it frivolously on things that he did not need and would not make him a better person. After a while, the son realized that he had made a mistake, and that he dishonored his father by breaking off from him and funding a sinful lifestyle with his money. The son became filled with remorse for his actions and wanted to make up for his poor decisions to his father. Instead of reprimanding him, punishing him, and treating him like a servant, the Prodigal Son’s father welcomed him back with open arms and celebrated his return to his senses and good judgment.
This father was merciful to his sinful son, just as God is merciful to us, his beloved sinners. We sin every day in our life, and most of the time, those who love us forgive us if we are genuinely sorry. Even if those on Earth do not forgive us, we can always count on God to forgive our sins and welcome us back to him if we are truly sorry and want to make an effort to make better decisions in the future.
Have you ever forgotten your homework but your teacher told you that you could turn it in next class without suffering any consequences? Or, have you ever treated someone unfairly or rudely but they forgave you? If your answer is yes, then you have experienced mercy. In these instances, God showed you mercy through these people forgiving you for your actions and offering you a second chance. Since we all experience God’s mercy through others every day, it is our duty to also show not only those close to us, but also everyone around us, the same love and forgiveness.
So, next time your brother or sister gets mad at you for what seems like no reason, or your friend skips ahead and watches the next episode of the show you’re watching together without you, take a deep breath, and treat them with the same kindness and respect that you would want them to treat you with if you did those same things. You will be passing on the wonderful gift of God’s mercy to those in your life!