by Kathy Messina, Susan Peer, Doreen Kurzum & Joy Rastiello
On a recent Saturday morning about a dozen women from St. E’s attended the annual Women’s Conference at St. Paul Inside the Walls.
This year’s theme was
Feminine, Faithful and Fearless. Three women, from different walks of life, shared their stories where they at times struggled with their faith. Each one traced the steps, or what seemed to be mis-steps at the time, or even tragedies through their lives that led them to a deeper understanding of God’s grace and allowed them to see a path forward toward fulfillment in true faithfulness. Their messages were different and yet they were not because they all said basically the same thing, which was with our Lord we have everything and without him we do not.
Jean Pankow (Pastoral Associate at Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel Church) spoke first about the Feminine Woman. After a high powered career in the corporate world, she is making a difference working to transform her home parish through initiatives such as “radical hospitality” and impressed on us the power of the personal invitation to parishioners to become involved. She reminded us that we, as woman, contribute a lot to our church community. We are loved, we are valued and we do make a difference.
Sr. Graciela Colon (a member of Sister of Christian Charity/Immigration attorney for Catholic Charities of Metuchen Diocese) spoke about the Faithful Woman. She reminded us of our guardian angels looking out for us. Through stories about her family and of her work, she reminded us of the value of every life and of the particular difficulties of raising children with values despite the messages they are exposed to in the world. Her underlying message was to always remain steadfast in our faith through prayer, patience and courage to surrender.
Jennifer Hubbard (Magnificat Contributor, mother of a victim of Sandy Hook) was the 3rd and final speaker of the day. She spoke about the Fearless Woman. Her courage in bringing a message of faith, compassion, and love to others, with both tears and joy, nearly 7 years after losing her young daughter was amazing. She reminded us that the grieving process is personal and doesn’t “look” the same for every one and the importance of friendship, especially in times of mourning.
Her message was to know we can be fearless because we believe that God is leading the way.
In between each witness, we had the opportunity to go to the Chapel for Adoration or visit with the other women attending the conference.
It was a peaceful morning, early in Advent, and a wonderful opportunity to gather with all these women of faith. For those of us who attended from StEs, some of us knew each other, some were meeting for the first time. All of us gained so much by giving up what normally would have been a busy Saturday morning, to focus on ourselves and grow in our faith.
If you have the opportunity to attend this conference next year, go. You won’t be sorry.
Submitted by Kathy Messina, Susan Peer, Doreen Kurzum & Joy Rastiello on behalf of the attendees from StEs