In lieu of an individual reflection on Palm Sunday, we have added 3 versions of the Stations of the Cross. There is an adult version, written by some adult volunteers and
In this week's Gospel reading, we enter into the period where we remember the suffering and death of Our Lord. He would glorify His Father’s Name through His
actions. Jesus mentions how He will suffer and eventually die for the sake of our
salvation, taking up upon Himself the sins of the whole world and placing them on His
own shoulders, enduring all those for our sake, because of the love He has for us.
As we journey through the forty days of Lent, we remember that it is a time of sacrifice, almsgiving, and reflection. As Catholics, we prepare over these six weeks for the
crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As God sacrificed His
only Son for us, we must, in our own way, take time to reflect on God’s gift and
sacrifice to help others to follow in the example that God has given us.
As the mom of three boys, I find myself repeating house rules often. Well, let’s be honest – it’s more than often. I reiterate some instructions constantly, repeatedly, ad finitum. “Boys, don’t forget to brush your teeth! Boys, laundry goes in the hamper, not on the floor!