” Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” John 6:35
This ministry is dedicated to the honoring of the Blessed Sacrament. Our Adoration ministry makes sure to have coverage around the clock during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament so that Jesus is never alone. The hours of Adoration are from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm every Tuesday in our Chapel. This is a very special time for our beloved Parish to come and spend precious time with Jesus. Please prayerfully consider coming and spending some beautiful time with Jesus. Please feel free to discuss your concerns with Jesus or offer your thanksgiving to him for all of our Blessings, or just sit quietly in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and listen to Jesus.
Spend a little quiet time with the Lord, every Tuesday 2pm-5pm
Contact Candace Niblett at [email protected] for more information.
As parents we are always looking for ways to help grow our children’s understanding of our faith and the mystery of the Eucharist. Altar serving is a great way to provide your son or daughter the opportunity to do both while attending mass with their family. Once boys/girls enter the fourth grade, they are eligible to become altar servers and represent the community at the table of the Lord. It is a great way to strengthen their faith and connect them to their parish community by being active members. This is a great opportunity to help your child on their journey in faith.
Contact Jane Anne Kaelin at [email protected] for more information.
This ministry is dedicated to the care and handling of the Holy Altar at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Our Altar Society plans the monthly Holy Hour celebrations. We determine the monthly theme and choose the prayers, songs and meditations to be shared with our parish community. We also assist with the creation of the Altar of Repose for Holy Easter and assist with any special requirements for all spiritual celebrations such as First Eucharist and Christmas. All are welcome and encouraged to participate in this very special ministry as we praise our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Contact Candace Niblett at [email protected] for more information.
The Priests and Deacons are the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Extraordinary Ministers are lay people who volunteer and are trained by the Church to assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion at Mass. These Ministers have the honor and great responsibility of providing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and, when necessary, bring Communion to those who are sick at area hospitals & nursing homes. They also visit parishioners who are unable to participate in our community worship and bring Holy Communion to them.
Our parish utilizes 28 Holy Communion Ministers for our Masses each weekend. To become a Minister to serve at Mass or outside our parish community you must have received the sacrament of Confirmation and be a practicing Catholic. To view the January and February 2025 Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule please click here for January or please click here for February.
If you are interested in sharing in this ministry, please contact Monica Schiksnis at [email protected] for more information and training.
Lectors are special liturgical ministers whose principal duty is to serve the community by proclaiming the readings from Scripture during the Mass. In this vital ministry, lectors serve the community as an instrument of God’s very voice, which is present in the Word. God is using the voices of ministers so that his people may hear Him. The effective proclamation of the Word is an intrinsic part of the whole Eucharistic celebration. Lectors generally read once or twice per month. Lectors recall the words from Isaiah: “The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue, that I may speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” To view the 1st Qtr 2025 Lectors schedule please click here.
Contact Giorgio Ramacciotti at 973-927-0268 or at [email protected].
Come and make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
The Music Ministry is made of various groups of singers and instrumentalists. Music is a very important part of Catholic Church worship. The choir leads the congregation to prayer in song. At St. Elizabeth’s we are blessed with 2 choirs; the Family Choir leads the 9am mass and the Seton Choir leads the 11am mass.
Both choirs had their start in the school cafeteria when the church was being built. The Family Choir began with just a few families and quickly grew as more children wanted to sing with the group. As always, anyone is welcome to join this choir. There are no practices, the only requirement is to come to 9am mass and sing to the Lord with all your heart. Confirmation candidates earn church service hours for participating. All are invited to sing with this choir. Musicians are welcome also!
Contact Linda Cavanaugh at [email protected] for information about the Family choir.
The Seton Choir is a contemporary ensemble that leads the music every Sunday at the 11am Mass and on holy days throughout the year. The members consist of 1st year Confirmation candidates, high school teens and adults. The singers (SATB) and musicians include piano, guitar, clarinet, flute, percussion and other instruments.
Cantors/Song Leaders lead the music during the 5PM Saturday Mass.
Please contact Phil Lamoureux at [email protected] if you are interested in joining the Seton Choir.
We also have a Teen Choir providing the music for the monthly 5PM Saturday Youth Mass. This is coordinated through our Youth Minister, Shannon Jones, [email protected]
Links to Music Ministry websites:
Resources for church musicians:
National Association of Pastoral Musicians
Church music publisher; prints the Breaking Bread missals we use:
Oregon Catholic Press
Church music publisher; prints the Gather hymnal we use:
GIA Publications
Ministers of Hospitality / Ushers – The focus of the usher is to welcome worshippers and give them a sense of belonging to our church community by providing a comfortable environment when celebrating the Eucharist and other ceremonies. Duties consist of assisting in seating, taking up collections, seeing to the orderly reception of the Eucharist and distributing bulletins. To view the 1st Qtr 2025 Ushers schedule please click here.
New volunteers, please download and fill out this form and turn it in to an usher, parish office, or drop it in the collection basket.
Please contact Gerry Carlton at [email protected]